Enclosure Size
A very common reason for a Western Hognose to go off of food is due to being in TOO LARGE of an enclosure. As owners, we want to give the very best to our pets and it is a common thought that a bigger space is better. What many do not realize is that even with lots of places to hide and bury, a Western Hognose or Kenyan Sand Boa can become overwhelmed and stressed by too large of space - especially if the enclosure is tall. This often leads to an even moodier Hog that may go off of feed. In our experience males benefit from an even slower transition between cage sizes. Do remember that all animals are unique and have their own preferences. One snake may be fine in a larger set-up with no issues, while this may not be true for another snake.
We recommend downsizing the enclosure until the animal grows enough to re-introduce them to the larger set-up - Males are very prone to this.
See below our recommendations for enclosure sizes.
Babies 5 - 6 Qrt (4.7 - 5.6 Ltr) RUB or 5-gallon tank
Sub-adults 15 Qrt (14 Ltr) RUB or 10-gallon tank
Adults 28 to 32Qrt (26/30Ltr) RUB or 20-gallon tank