RAL Research Associates Laboratory
Laboratory Director: Chad Lytle

Website -  vetdna.com
Phone - (972) 960-2221
Email - 
Email - 411 East McDermott Drive Ste B. Allen, Texas 75002

We have been using RAL exclusively for testing all of our animals and cannot recommend them enough. With all of the diseases and parasites at large in the reptile community, the peace of mind alone is well worth paying to have your animals professionally tested. RAL delivers fast results at a very affordable price. We highly recommend them to our customers, and friends alike.

About: Since 1992 Research Associates laboratory has been providing state of the art molecular diagnostics to veterinarians, zoos, universities, restaurants, hotels, and the pet and pest industries. We are the nation's oldest and most experienced veterinary molecular diagnostic laboratory.

Dewdnew Animal Hospital
Adrian Walton

Website - 
Phone -  (604) 467-1161
Email - dewdneyvet@gmail.com
Adress - 11965 228th St. Maple Ridge, BC


Updated  Oct.  26, 2019

The following are reputable resources we recommend checking out.

CTC Predator Feed
Website - 
Phone -  Barn: (250) 715-1203 Cell: (250) 732-6032
Email - ctcpredatorfeed@gmail.com

We personally have found the staff at CTC to be helpful, courteous and very professional. We take pride in feeding our animals the best, and CTC's product has always been ace quality. We highly recommend CTC Predator Feed's services.

WRES Westcoast Reptile Education SocietyPresident - Scott Percival
Website -  www.facebook.com/wresociety
Phone -  Niki Johnston (604) 298-4115
Email - wresociety@gmail.com

WRES members have their own personal collections of pet reptiles that they bring to our Educational Experiences. These experiences are designed around the idea that the general public get to interact with, touch, pet, and hold various reptiles in an effort to allow people to be comfortable with these animals. We like the philosophy of being able to overcome stigmas, biases, and phobias by being incredibly close to our reptiles. Instead of just viewing them through glass. We want fellow humans to have a full and fabulous interaction with them.   We pride ourselves in providing a safe and fun experience to people of all ages and walks of life.  We enjoy educating about a subject our members are all so passionate about.

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